Dental Implants in Brackley

Dental implants are a popular and effective solution for patients who are missing one or more teeth. The procedure involves implanting an artificial tooth root into your jaw, where a replacement tooth or bridge will be placed on top, completely restoring your smile. 

At our Brackley clinic, we have been placing dental implants since 2008. Our implantologist uses the latest digital technology to plan the best position for your implant to ensure long-lasting results. Digital technology also enables implant placement in the most predictable and safest way. For this, we conduct a thorough examination of your teeth, determining whether opting for dental implants is the appropriate solution for you. Assessing your dental history allows us to understand the condition of your jaw and decide on the precise position to situate the root. 

After the dental crown or bridge is fixed to the root, we work closely with you to be sure that the final result is both functional, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

Our Modern Practice


Dental implants are a popular and effective solution for patients who are missing one or more teeth. The procedure involves implanting an artificial tooth root into your jaw, where a replacement tooth or bridge will be placed on top, completely restoring your smile.

At our Brackley clinic, we have been placing dental implants since 2008. Our implantologist uses the latest digital technology to plan the best position for your implant to ensure long-lasting results. Digital technology also enables implant placement in the most predictable and safest way. For this, we conduct a thorough examination of your teeth, determining whether opting for dental implants is the appropriate solution for you. Assessing your dental history allows us to understand the condition of your jaw and decide on the precise position to situate the root.

After the dental crown or bridge is fixed to the root, we work closely with you to be sure that the final result is both functional, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

Personalised Services

Our customised treatment plans are tailored to you as a client’s specific needs. From preparation for the procedure to aftercare, our experts aim is to provide you with reassurance and professional advice. We understand that each individual client requires a specific, unique approach to their dental plan. To ensure we achieve that picture perfect smile, our dentists in Brackley Orchid Clinic are trained to deal with every challenge from minor to severe.

The Orchid Clinic’s ambition is to restore confidence in our clients, empowering you with teeth you can be proud of.

Contact us today to enquire about the possibilities of receiving dental implants at our Brackley based dental clinic.

Telephone: 01280 703125

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Orchid dental clinic